Here is the letter firstly to which I would just send this post as a response.

The Editor,
Dear Sir, Queen Ifrica should’ve known how sensitive gays are, and that they would’ve felt left out when she didn’t ‘big them up’ too at the Grand Gala. This may thwart her chance of becoming an official global ambassador.
However, I have watched and heard Queen Ifrica, and I believe that she is one who has been sent. Next time though, I advise her not to come ‘straight’, but instead speak in parables. Make them like the Pharisees, wonder and speculate about the meaning of your words.
Artistes are entertainers and expressionists by nature. Queen Ifrica was simply being a natural and courageous Jamaican artiste.
The gay community should reserve their ‘disappointment’ for artistes who portray negativity such as violence, hate and disrespect, none of which Queen Ifrica had done and has ever done; she leaves those things to greater beings than herself.
It is quite a challenge for Ministers of Government to please everybody. Although government has a greater obligation to the majority of Jamaicans, it has to provide special and extra support to the nation’s most vulnerable.
Sensitivity is not vulnerability. Vulnerability factors include physically and mentally challenged states, ethnicity, gender, age and certain legacies, like socio-economic states of one’s previous and present generations; factors that one has little or no control over.
Homosexuality is a choice, or if instinctive then it’s an instinct gone awry. What Queen Ifrica said was not illegal. What gay men often do such is buggery, is an illegal action here. So it was like saluting those in the crowd that don’t steal, run the red light or murder and assault.
When government has to bow to a minority group who are not ‘vulnerable’, or to foreign establishments, you know that we are in trouble.
Queen Ifrica’s salute to heterosexuals was so innocuous, that I wouldn’t have realised. However, just like their sexual indiscretions, these gays had to ‘show up’ themselves.
The truth is, we cannot bare much more ‘slackness’ of any kind, whether political, social or economical.
It’s either the perpetrators keep it to themselves with discretion or restraint, or have it thrown out into the sea.
I am,
Andre Sheppy (BPharm),
Sizzla bats for Queen Ifrica as expected

also see: Anti Gay Religious group launches pro buggery law DVD
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