You might call it tossing salad, rimming, eating @$, a rim job, tongue f---ing, fridge cleaning, battywash or whitewashing the back 40. To a medical professional it's anal/oral sex.
No matter what you call it, following these tips below could really save your butt whether you're tossing someone's salad or they're tossing yours.
General Safer Rimming & Ass Play Tips
1. Douching (flushing inside your butt with water) - If you do it, be gentle and don't rush. Douching can damage the anal canal and drive infections further in. Douching too fast can increase the risk. Also, don't do it immediately before @$ play, do it a few hours before so you're butt isn't so irritated, making it more prone to infections. Don't use soap, it irritates the skin and tissue in and around your butt.

Enemas are sometimes used to treat constipation, or hard stools. Oil retention enemas serve to lubricate the stool and area, help passage. sometimes used ad preliminary enema before tap water or saline type (phosphate) enemas, Soda bottles are a no no as the mouths of them are perverted with sometimes sharp points that can cut the area and make for transmission of HIV or other STI's if a condom or other barrier was not used during the exchange or penetration. Tell your friends who you may know who do this practice.

Do not take the rectal enema by mouth. It is for use only in your rectum.
To use the enema, lie down on your left side with your knees bent.
Remove the cap from the applicator tip and gently insert the tip into your rectum. Slowly squeeze the bottle to empty the contents into the rectum.
For best results, stay lying down until you feel the urge to have a bowel movement. This should occur within 2 to 15 minutes in most cases. Then relieve yourself in the toilet.
If you do not get any results after using sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate, call your doctor before using another dose. Certain heart drugs also must not be taken with or near the time of the enema, lookout for signs such as unusual bowel movements etc.
Fleet Enema EXTRA contains 70% more volume than Fleet Enema for extra cleansing and relief. The tips of the Fleet Naturals Cleansing Enema contains a water-based lubricant to ease insertion into the rectum. Fleet Naturals is a non-medicated Cleansing Enema designed for personal cleansing at home. Fleet Naturals is intended for safe use whenever you want to feel fresh and clean. Fleet Laxative Enemas are used to relieve occasional constipation, or may be recommended by your physician.
2. Use Dental dams or non-lubricated condoms split lengthwise down the middle to protect yourself during rimming. Mark one side of the barrier so if you drop it, you’ll know which side was yours. Use lube on the side touching your partner to increase his/her pleasure and sensitivity.
3. Latex allergy? - Use polyurethane condoms or female condoms (also polyurethane) to make the dental dam.
3. Sharing sex toys? - Cover them with a condom and change condoms between partners; clean after every use to avoid sharing STDs and parasites.
4. Get vaccinated for Hepatitis A & B (which can be transmitted during anal play)
Protecting Against Herpes
1. Don’t rim someone without a barrier if you’ve got active or recently healed cold sores (herpes). Infections for herpes can also happen four or five days prior to the appearance of sores.
2. If there are sores on your partner’s butt, be sure to use a barrier when rimming him.
3. If a partner has a cold sore (herpes) insist they use a barrier or find other ways to play with each other
Protecting Against Parasites
Use these tips, especially if you don't use a barrier (e.g. split condom or dental dam)...
1. Wash around and just inside the @$hole (anus) before rimming. (Less invasive than douching). Just with douching, don’t use soap when washing inside your anus—it’s an irritant.
2. Get checked for parasites during your regular STI checkup. If you experience diarrhea, cramping, bloating, changes in appetite, weight loss, fatigue or other possible symptoms of a parasitic infection get tested sooner.
There are many health problems that can result from practising anilingus providing the bacteria, viruses, or parasites that cause them are on or in the anus or rectum. These include:
Bacterial diseases - Always possible since human feces is the waste product of the human digestive system including bacteria.
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)
Viral systemic diseases
hepatitis A
hepatitis B
hepatitis C
human papillomavirus (HPV)
herpes simplex virus
intestinal parasites
Infections and inflammations
chlamydia infection
and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Applying the mouth to the genitals immediately after applying it to the anus can inadvertently introduce the bacterium Escherichia coli("E. coli") into the urethra, leading to a urinary tract infection.
Frequent anilingus with casual partners increases the health risks associated with the practice. Generally, people carrying infections that may be passed on during analingus appear healthy. Parasites may be in the faeces if poorly cooked meat was consumed. The faeces contain traces of Hepatitis A only if the infected person has eaten contaminated food.
Another recent study suggests a correlation between oral sex and throat cancer. It is believed that this is due to the transmission of HPV because this virus has been implicated in most cervical cancers. The study concludes that people who had one to five oral-sex partners in their lifetime had approximately a doubled risk of throat cancer compared with those who never engaged in this activity. Those with more than five oral-sex partners had a 250% increased risk compared with those who never engaged in this activity.
If the receiving partner has wounds or open sores on the genitals, or if the giving partner has wounds or open sores on or in the mouth, or bleeding gums, this poses an increased risk of STD transmission. Brushing the teeth, flossing, undergoing dental work, and eating crunchy foods (such as potato chips) relatively soon before or after performing anilingus also increases the risk of transmission, because all of these activities can cause small scratches on the inside of the lips, cheeks, and palate. These wounds, even when they are microscopic, increase the chances of contracting STDs that can be transmitted orally under these conditions.
Because of disease risks, many medical professionals recommend the use of dental dams in anilingus. An enema can reduce the risk of direct faecal contact. However, a person who receives an enema may still have harmful microbes in the anus after the procedure.
The anus (the anal opening), the anal canal (the first few inches inside), and the rectum are all sensitive in different ways, which is why anal stimulation and penetration can be so pleasurable. The external and internal sphincter muscles surround the anal opening. These muscles can work together or independently of each other, and these are the muscles we must learn to relax in order to achieve comfortable anal penetration whether by a penis, a toy or a tongue. When we talk about the sphincter and pelvic muscles and how they play a role in anal pleasure, we discuss them less in terms of sensitivity and more in terms of how tone and “in shape” they are and how tense or relaxed they are. The anus and the outer part of the anal canal are made of the same sensitive soft tissue and this tissue contains the most concentration of nerve endings of all our anal anatomy. In general, this tissue tends to be more sensitive to touch and vibration. The inner part of the anal canal and the rectum are mucous membrane and have a lot less nerve endings; however this tissue is much more sensitive to pressure (like from penetration).
Men and women have nearly identical anorectal anatomy except for one important difference: men have a prostate gland, which can be stimulated directly via anal penetration, that is why for some men they can ejaculate while being penetrated by another man or by a toy inserted the anus with targeted thrusts. The prostate gland surrounds part of a man’s urethra; it’s behind the pubic bone, below the bladder and above the base of the penis. A mass of muscle, glands, and connective tissue, the prostate is about the size and shape of a walnut; it produces ejaculatory fluid that combines with sperm and fluid from the seminal vesicles to create male ejaculate. Men can experience direct prostate stimulation when they are anally penetrated. It can be found by sliding a finger (or toy) about one to two inches inside a man’s ass and aiming toward the front of his body.
While women don’t have a prostate, but we do have a G-spot and can experience indirect G-spot stimulation through anal penetration. The G-spot is the urethral sponge which sits around the urethra; to find it, slip a finger inside her vagina an inch to an inch and a half and toward the front of her body. The G-spot can be stimulated through the front wall of the vagina or indirectly though anal sex.
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