Go Jamaica reported
Buggery law conscience vote for parliament soon
The Minister with responsibility Information Senator Sandrea Falconer (photo above) says the government is to take the matter of the review of the Buggery Law to the parliament shortly.
Senator Falconer told reporters at today’s post-Cabinet press briefing that Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller remains committed to her promise on the issue.
In the lead up to the General Elections in 2011 Simpson Miller said she would support a conscience vote in the House of Representatives on reviewing the buggery law.
However, the matter was not a priority on the government’s agenda as it sought to secure a deal with the International Monetary Fund.
Senator Falconer said with the IMF deal out of the way effort is underway to address the matter of the buggery law.
Gay right lobby groups have complain that little action has been taken by the government since the prime minister made the announcement.
The Supreme Court is to begin hearing an application by gay rights activist Javed Jaghai on June 25 who is seeking the go ahead to the Constitutional Court to challenge the buggery law.
A prominent anti gay attorney-at-law is urging that the conscience vote for the review of the law be done with the views of the members of the constituency taken into consideration, rather than the vote solely being made by the parliamentarians.
Shirley Richards of the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship wants the voting to be done with the views of the constituency and that these votes should be made public.
"They (parliamentarians) shouldn't be voting on their own conscience. They are representing the people. We want to know how the representatives in parliament vote on this issue. The people should know how their representatives vote," she said.
Another legal luminary, Bert Samuels, explained that it certainly will be interesting to see how the parliamentarians vote on this issue. He also said that having a referendum on this matter would represent the highest form of democracy.
"I think there will be a toss-up between fundamentalist Christian values on one side and the liberals on another. Having a referendum on this matter would display the highest form of democracy," he said.
Also let us remember when this present administration was in opposition: Opposition sides with Govt on No to same sex marriage on Facebook I commented that "....... interesting that it was not a priority in November all of a sudden now it's coming hmph .......... we need to be careful what we wish for, this conscience vote with an unprepared and uninformed nation as it is and a loud religious section can lead to a no and backfire on us then the same political directorate may feel justified in taking a hands off approach after that whenever the issue of homosexuality is raised again .............. politics!!!!!!!!!! ................. sure way to win the next election given the sluggish economy etc"
from the Charter of Rights debate under the JLP also see: Gay Marriage - An Invented Issue by the christian right movement
This could very well go against us if not properly handled and given the strength of the hand of our opponents chiefly the religious voices opposed blindly to homosexuality we need to work on enlightenment and education drives towards what really constitutes homosexuality, work that should have been done by the relevant agencies instead much time was wasted. The odds are against us but we must still have some hope.
let us backtrack a bit, here was the press release from the PNP clarifying the issue when persons thought the opposition leader Portia Simpson Miller said that buggery would be repealed:
Jamaica Observer online readers blast buggery law review
PNP: No election money from gay groups
Buggery law backlash - Blair: The church has been sleeping Blair warns review could lead to same-sex marriages
Mark Wignall on Buggery law review promise was a political sham
Backing Down On Buggery? Some Personal Rights Can Be Sacrificed For General Morality ............

more from an old audiopost from :21.12.2011 at the time when the elections were in progress post the leadership debate where she made the review suggestion.
Then also bear in mind the CVM TV Don Anderson poll:
CVM's Don Anderson 2012 Poll on Buggery Review 07.03.12
here Mrs Simpson Miller sought to clarify her position during the leadership debate leading up to the December 2011 elections:
Bear this in mind as well, after digging my archives I found the presentation by Mrs Simpson Miller in 2009 (poor audio though) where she sided wholeheartedly with the then Prime Minster Bruce Golding(his speech linked) on the banning of gay marriage, gay marriage rights by the way was never asked for by the LGBT advocacy structure at that time but it was dishonestly pushed on the agenda during the Charter of Rights debate then as a smoke screen to deny us recognition in the Charter.
She said on October 20th 2009 - "Mr Speaker when we accepted the final report from the joint select committee that were looking at the bill we were completely satisfied with their recommendation of a provision to restrict marriage and like relationships to one man and one woman within Jamaica and that the provision should be specifically spelt out so that there could be no ambiguity ………. yes one man one woman (laughter in the house) and if you are Jamaican and go overseas the same applies ……….."
Has Prime Minister Simpson Miller changed her mind or is evolving as President Obama did and is moving towards having the review done or are there other factors here?
UPDATE June 10, 2013
JFLAG welcomes review of buggery law
The Jamaica Forum for Lesbians All-Sexuals and Gays, (J-FLAG) has welcomed the government’s announcement, that a conscience vote will be scheduled for the promised review of the buggery law.
J-FLAG says its position on the buggery law has evolved over the years, and it is no longer agitating for a repeal of the law. It says it is instead requesting an amendment to the law, to differentiate between acts which are consensual and those which are not.
The group has made some suggestions as to how section 76 of the Offences Against The Persons Act, could be amended and has also called for clarifications on aspects of section 79.
J-FLAG says, it's open and available to assist parliamentarians with information to act in good faith, in their review of the relevant sections of the statute.
see: JFLAG Position Statement on Upcoming Conscience Vote...
they also released these shots in trying to simplify the issue for persons to understand:
Peace and tolerance
more from the Gleaner HERE and A Senior Rastafarian Opposes the move
also see: Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, JCHS continued confusion of paedophilia & consenting homosexuality.
UPDATE JUNE 17, 2013
more fear mongering comes as the Jamaica Observer reported today: Church group plans big anti-gay march next Sunday
Church claims future victimization if buggery is decriminalized in Jamaica
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