
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Anti Gay Group Jamaica CAUSE told We're Not Into You! Gays No Threat To Straight Folk

I am still trying to control my laughter as I typed this post from reading this wonderful article twice that appeared in the Gleaner today, the hysteria, fear-mongering and inciting violence under the guise of a stupid tag line from the anti gay newly formed group Jamaica CAUSE "Straight without the hate" or "love the sinner but hate the sin" had not been bought by many folks including ordinary Jamaicans who are labelling the over reaction by the group as hypocritical owing to the fact that they have not responded so organised to other more serious societal ills.

First here is the article

K. Dwyer, Guest Columnist

So it must have been the rave thing to do on Sunday when 25,000 men and women left their homes to protest in hope of eliminating or possibly exiling the LGBT community?! Give me a break!

I'm just throwing it out there to the 25,000, and please give honest answers! How many of you were fornicating before you took to the streets? How many of you left your homes without ironing clothes for your sons/daughters/husbands/wives for the coming week to jump on the wagon?

How many didn't cook Sunday dinner because the march was going to fill your stomachs with all the necessary nutritional elements to keep your bodies alive?

How many of you left your children at home to join the march instead of giving your families quality time, helping them get ready for graduation, reviewing summer-school notes or just listening and being present?

How many different sins did some of you commit before taking to the streets? How many of you are men and women in the closet living 'down-low' and protested because you didn't want to jeopardise your posts, and so you sold out your own kind?

The Church is very hypocritical. The Bible says, "Judge not and ye shall not be judged," yet you put yourselves on pedestals judging others. NEWS FLASH! You people are not GOD. He did not say the Church will have to condemn or commit malicious acts against you before you could get to him!

How many of the persons marching have children out of wedlock, are stealing, murdering, raping and committing other heinous crimes, yet you guys are protesting about GAYS that don't see you! The Jamaican dollar has slid to 112:1 with the US dollar. Protest about that.

Stay out!

My bedroom is NOT your playground, so I don't see why you want to enter it! The same sexual methods that you use to satisfy yourselves are the same ones we use. The only difference is that we choose to be sexually satisfied by someone of the same sex.

Our bedroom business has a closed-door policy. Hence, STAY OUT! Sure, we can share a few tips and tricks with you, but why should we? We invented some of the ways you use to sexually satisfy your partners.

Portia Simpson Miller, your dear prime minister, gave a commitment to review the buggery law and failed to honour that promise. She is an upstanding political hypocrite with a bang and a hidden agenda to keep her seat in Gordon House.

The heterosexual community is adamant that homosexuals are a threat to them and that is contrary to their beliefs. We do have a type that we are attracted to, and it is NOT heterosexual men and women!

Let me just say to the 25,000 of you out there and the multitudes: gays will always be in existence and more progressive because we are looking into making the world a better place and more uplifting.

So to the pastor man who is lashing out and the politician, what's in the dark must come to light! My bedroom is my play area and what I do there stays there. Your application has been denied!

Feel free to respond to and


A recent RJR interview a day after the rally showed up the hidden intent as the president of the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship Helen Coley Nicholson referred to their group as the real civil society clearly pitting other groups as irrelevant or their causes not clear. This kind of divisiveness is disturbing indeed coming from so called Christians, they have even gone as far as to malign the more traditional churches who have not supported the CAUSE initiative as supporting homosexuality.

also see for some additional coverage:

Betty Ann Blaine Deliberately Conflates Same Gender Attraction & Child Abuse at Christian Anti Gay Mass Rally & in Public Advocacy

More Overreaction to the Jamaicans for Justice Sex Education Course & Media Senationalism 

Pastors Push Enumeration As Hedge Against Buggery Repeal (Gleaner July 1 2014) obviously the JFLAG change in the call to decriminalization has gone unheard deliberately or unnoticed. So much for pro-activity from our goodly advocates

The False Dichotomy of the religious right on the LGBT advocacy Godlessness

Espeut, West says “Homophobia” was invented to abuse Christians as hate speech

Betty Ann Blaine & foreign religious zealots continue their paranoia & misrepresentations of male homosexuality

Church claims future victimization if buggery is decriminalized in Jamaica

Spilling homosexual blood .... Observer Headline 29.11.09

Lesbians Do Have Morals 2009

More gay marriage paranoia & hijacking of the homosexual debate by fanatics 2014

Professor's Bain's Testimony Threatened Foreign Funding (Gleaner letter)

Lessons to learn from The Professor Bain Matter?

Betty Ann Blaine on Poverty, children and the Buggery Law .... and that awful confusion of homosexuality with paedophilia

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