
Saturday, May 3, 2014

13,328 Jamaican MSM Reached by HIV Prevention says report on National HIV Program ........ but

A statement has come to hand in recent days that the new round of Global Fund money is now available for the national program to the tune of $506 million and as of March 2014 some 13,000 plus men who have sex with men (while excluding specific programs for same gender loving women) have occurred but what does this outreach means, only condom distribution and testing? when we know especially the least amongst us in the form of homeless LGBT youth in particular (bearing in mind Maslow's theory) how can they make safer sex decisions given the sensitivities involved?

Why for example was the HFLE manual placed as an achievement when the fiasco that played out in the public domain proved that sanitization of sexuality issues is the main reason why we have the homo-negative culture fuelling the problems of displacements?

see more on the HFLE matter:

Missed Opportunities in HIV-AIDS outreach on the social scenes from 2010 for additional scope 

Here is the statement on the latest round of funding:

As it continues to strengthen the multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS infection rates in Jamaica, the Government has budgeted $506 million for the Transitional Funding Mechanism programme.

As contained in the 2014/15 Estimates of Expenditure currently before the House of Representatives, existing gains consolidated, and activities scaled up to reduce transmission of new HIV infections, while mitigating the impact.

The project, which is being jointly financed by the Government of Jamaica and the Global Fund is being spearheaded by the Ministry of Health.

Targets for this fiscal year include: increasing the number of schools targeted from 43 per cent to 74 per cent, with at least one teacher trained in life-skills based Health and Family Life Education, and who has taught in the last year; and reaching 490,000 students through life skills based Health and Family Life Education Interventions in School.

Additionally 3,870 commercial sex workers (CSW); 3,030 Men Having Sex With Men (MSM); and 975 inmates will be reached through prevention activities. Meanwhile, HIV counselling and testing will be carried out for 270,000 persons; and 12,833 adolescents (in the 10 to 14 age group) and 47,800 youth (in 15 to 24 age group) will be reached through prevention interventions in out-of-school setting.
Anti-retroviral combination therapy according to national guidelines, will be provided, and 63,265 CD4 tests done according to national guidelines for 8,182 men, women and children with advanced HIV.

The programme will also provide Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing according to national guidelines to 2,497 infants born to HIV positive mothers; increase from 60 per cent to 75 per cent Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) on Antiretroviral drug (ARV) reporting at least 90 per cent adherence by pill count; increase from 25 per cent to 60 per cent reported cases of discrimination receiving redress by setting; as well as increase from 162 to 176 the number of institutions adopting policies to address HIV/AIDS.

Some of the achievements up to March 2014 include: increasing the number of schools from five per cent to 43 per cent with at least one teacher trained in life-skills based (Health and Family Life Education) HFLE and who taught in the last year; reaching 289,626 students through life skills based Health and Family Life Education Interventions in School; reaching through prevention activities 20,998 CSW, 13,328 MSM, 1,866 Inmates, 90,000 Sexually Transmitted Infection clinic attendees.

Also 24,241 adolescents (10 to 14 years old) and 75,973 youth (15 to 24 years old) were reached through prevention interventions in out-of-school settings; counselling and testing provided for 200,000 persons; 7,684 men women and children with advanced HIV received antiretroviral combination therapy according to national guidelines; 27 per cent reported cases of discrimination received redress; 162 institutions adopted policies to address HIV/AIDS; and the number of individuals in stakeholder organisations trained in strategic information, were maintained.


Owing to the fact that there are no residential responses to homelessness in particular (remembering the Safe House Pilot 2009) that can greatly help with self efficacious work and better results but simply distributing condoms which is overall what the national systems in indeed none state actors such as Jamaica AIDS Support do with very little psycho-social, psycho-sexual work (outside of AIDS 101 workshops) and if the work is so penetrative why do we still have a high rate of infection based on the last survey suggested a rate of over 33% in the MSM cohort.

It seems rather odd to me that since the 1980s we have had hard evidence of the infection and psychological issues with some four major studies in the MSM populations and yet all that has ended as a response is condom distribution and testing, there must be more in terms of personal developmental work and not just meeting targets of testing us a guinea pigs. What is even more egregious about all this is that some of the agencies who do HIV work with MSM are either owned or managed by or linked to anti gay groups albeit that in order to qualify for funding they have to take on such populations though discomforting it is and so they do not put out any extra effort to see the needed changes and life improvements for LGBT people; then to add insult to injuries the LGBT groups or allied agencies too are just doing only enough to provide some sort of track record but no major or extra effort.

HIV and MSM community: Should we care? — Pt 2

Concerns for HIV prevalence rate in MSM in Jamaica & connected matters

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