
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Australia Closer to Passing First-Ever, Intersex-Inclusive LGBT Anti-Discrimination Bill

Gay News Network reported:

New legal protections for LGBTI Australians passed the Federal Lower House last week with a bill the government says will better protect Australians from discrimination.

The Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill is designed to make it illegal for someone to be discriminated against based on their sexual or gender identity.

"These new protections are long overdue and I’m delighted we are bringing them one step closer," Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said.

"The absence of these protections at the federal level means that many members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community have been victims of discrimination when accessing accommodation, healthcare, and everyday consumer services.

"The Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs has tabled its report and urged passage of the Bill this parliamentary term."

Minister for Ageing Mark Butler said the reforms will mean there is greater protection for older LGBT people when they access aged care services.

"While most aged care service providers are accepting of residents regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status, we think there should be legal protection that ensures such discrimination cannot occur," Butler said.

"When such services are provided with tax payer dollars, it is not appropriate for providers to discriminate in the provision of those services.”

During the passage of the bill Liberal MP Michael Keenan said the Coalition supports the move.

“This bill follows from the government's abandonment of its Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill on 20 March,” he said.

“Its principal effect is to adopt the recommendation of coalition senators, in the minority report of the senate committee which inquired into the bill, that the Sex Discrimination Act should be amended so that it extends to discrimination on the basis of sexuality.

“It should be noted that this was the policy which the coalition took to the 2010 election, and it remains coalition policy, which the government has now adopted.”

NSW GLRL policy and project officer Jed Horner told SX the organisation welcomes the bill’s passage through the House of Representatives.

“We call on the Senate to pass the Bill, with amendments to ensure that elderly LGBTI people can access aged care services without fear of legally sanctioned discrimination. If enacted, these protections will go some way towards ensuring LGBTI people can lead lives with dignity as they age,” he said.

“Significantly, the inclusion of sexual orientation as a ground of protection will have the effect of ensuring bisexual people have access to some protections, something that is not the case under existing NSW anti-discrimination law.

“The inclusion of the grounds of intersex status will likewise provide protection at law for people who are intersex, a long overdue and welcome move.”

The bill also extends the grounds of marital status in the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 to include relationships status to offer greater protection to same-sex couples.

The bill is now before the Senate where it is expected an amendment will be moved to take out the exceptions given to religious organisations.

Referred to Committee (21/03/2013): Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; Report due 17/06/2013

Track the Bill HERE

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