
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Aunt beats teenager for being a lesbian

A seventeen year old teen in St James is the subject of a possible investigation by police according to a well placed source close to the case her aunt supposedly taking out her rage on the girl for being a lesbian in May may be charged for wounding. The discovery was made by the relative following eavesdropping on a telephone conversation the teen was having with another person on her cell phone. The aunt who took over responsibility for the girl some five years plus after the passing of her mother and absentee father has been strictly monitoring her movements since assuming such a role, the teen in said to have limited contact with her father but is more linked to her maternal side of her family. She is said to be well behaved otherwise and also does fairly well in school as a member of a club there involved in extracurricular activities.

The teen upon being discovered on the phone in a private conversation was confronted by her aunt who demanded to know the essence of her conversation and with whom (male of female), suspicions seemed to have been present prior to this episode; she apparently took the phone from girl and scrolled the call list redialling the last number she saw there, a female answered and the aunt proceeded to interrogate the party on the other end of the call in the presence of the accused teen; the girl allegedly answered the phone in what was described as a “sexy tone” according to my source and thus the conversation quickly descended into a shouting session as the frightened young lady sat in shock as the incident rapidly got out of control. The call ended and the relative has had the phone since sharing the number with other parties including non relatives but not before physically assaulting the teenager and threatening her with eviction and scandal not only in the community but the family altogether. She has acted on the eviction threat, whether it is a permanent decision is unclear.

A struggle ensued and a belt allegedly was used to inflict blows to the girl’s body as she was clad in a blouse and a pair of jeans shorts being home for the afternoon. The source also was able to confirm that there is evidence of bruises to the victim’s skin as a result of the blows inflicted by the raging aunt based on the material make of the belt used as the weapon with other stud typed decorations that came in contact with the teen’s skin. The matter was brought to the attention of the cops unofficially by a concerned citizen who was surprised at the reaction of the aunt to the otherwise well behaved niece. Reactions from the community as the news spread has been calm for the most part as is expected seeing that lesbianism is more tolerated than male homosexuality although some residents in the area express shock they also at the same time suggest that due to her quiet demeanour the aunt should have nothing to worry about although she has a right to react in anger but not abuse the girl. Other reactions include an intense prayer session that was held at the home complete with talking in tongues breakouts and so on. 

The teen is said to be with another relative for the time being. The matter has not been formally reported to the police but some personnel are aware of the situation according to the source. Photos of the injuries are said to be also available but were not released to me despite my requests for them, I always like to have evidence in this regard as if we are to convince the public and homophobes that homo-negative and homophobic (indeed lesbophobic) incidents such as this that involve physical contact occur then the crisis communication must reflect same.

Owing to the high visibility of LGBT issues in recent times I am not surprised that groups under the umbrella that do not normally become the subject of victimization eventually become so, there is always a spike of some sort overall in homonegative incidents when public agitation is high that being the pending decision of the tolerance ad case in the supreme court, the buggery review promise for parliament, the anti gay establishment’s cry and the newly commenced buggery law trial also in the supreme court (constitutional court). There is bound to be more scrutiny for stereotypical homosexual hints, negative reactions to same and violence in some instances. How many such cases occur we may never know and thanks to my source for providing the details to this one. More evidence of fallout also comes in the displaced and homeless populations as is also expected as they are far more exposed being in that category of persons, several chasings continue in Kingston proper with an alleged case in St Ann as well, as more details and confirmation occurs I will share what can be shared.

This business of teens exploring their sexual curve with experimentation or curiosity is something that has not been dealt with by parents and by an education system and an education minister (who is also a Reverend) that is afraid of dealing with sex and sexuality head on; instead the system sanitizes the information to a supposed bid to indeed protect and arm teens with proper skills and understanding to discuss such issues (for children it is understandable for such sanitation) The upcoming September school term the previously withdrawn Health and Family Life, HFLE manual for just one section of a voluminous document should be ready with the missing information that was intended to begin to address sexual orientation via a guided imagery exercise that would cause students to think in a role reversal as conducted by a trained counsellor specific to the course and not taught by general teaching staff yet the goodly Reverend Minister declared in parliament that student will not be groomed into homosexuality when the exercise did not seek to do such. The minister and his technocrats seem blindly aware of the fact that gays and lesbians cannot be hidden anymore and addressing identity issues at the early levels of development is the way to go to avoid the generational ignorance and confusion that has led to the present homo-negative and homophobic impasse when our educational system is only limited to sexual reproductive health more so than sexuality. The ostrich syndrome on such matters is going to have to go.

Why do we make things so difficult is puzzling to me?

Person’s inability to live their truths is the main reasons why we have many of our societal challenges not just for homosexuals but others in general. The it is no wonder why the down low issues abound, displacements and homelessness in the MSM populations and the active disguising of same sex attraction to regularize oneself all these put together help to create the challenges we now face some resembling homophobia as well when used as a defence mechanism.

I am expecting more challenges even as the battle in court heats up but where are the community and advocacy buffer mechanisms to meet those fallouts?

Peace and tolerance


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